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4 Benefits of Knee Arthroscopy

4 Benefits of Knee Arthroscopy

There are dozens of potential causes of knee pain, which can significantly affect your quality of life, whether due to an injury or a chronic condition like osteoarthritis. 

Knee arthroscopy is a minimally invasive procedure that provides surgeons an opportunity to accurately diagnose and effectively treat the problem causing pain.

Dr. Sumit Dewanjee at FXRX in Tempe and Phoenix, Arizona, is an award-winning, board-certified orthopedic surgeon and Level I trauma specialist who has performed hundreds of successful knee arthroscopies during his career.

Here’s what Dr. Dewanjee and our FXRX team want you to know about the benefits of knee arthroscopy versus traditional or open knee surgery in treating knee pain.

There are numerous benefits of knee arthroscopy. Here are four of the most notable:    

Minimally invasive

One of the most distinct advantages of knee arthroscopy is its minimally invasive nature.

Traditional open surgery requires large incisions to access the knee joint fully. Although beneficial in treating certain problems, open surgery can lead to increased postsurgical pain, longer recovery times, and a higher risk of infection.

During knee arthroscopy, Dr. Dewanjee accesses the joint through one or two small surgical incisions about the size of a keyhole. He inserts a tiny camera (arthroscope) and specialized instruments through these small incisions to view the damage and surgically correct the issue causing your knee pain.

The minimally invasive nature of knee arthroscopy results in less trauma to the surrounding tissue. This typically offers quicker healing than you would experience with open surgery, reduces postoperative infection risks, and usually means less pain following the procedure.

Accurate diagnosis

Not all knee injuries are readily visible via imaging studies. 

The arthroscope, a thin, flexible tube with a high-definition camera at the tip, provides a real-time view of the inside of your knee joint. This aids Dr. Dewanjee in making a precise and accurate diagnosis (or confirming a diagnosis) of what’s causing your knee pain.

For instance, Dr. Dewanjee can correctly identify torn ligaments, damaged cartilage, or inflamed synovial tissue with knee arthroscopy. The details that the arthroscope provides allow him to tailor treatment to meet your specific needs, increasing the likelihood of successful outcomes.

Targeted treatment

In addition to diagnosing knee problems, knee arthroscopy allows for targeted treatment. Dr. Dewanjee can use specialized surgical instruments during arthroscopy to repair or remove damaged tissue, reconstruct ligaments, or address other issues within the joint.

This precision minimizes the disruption to healthy joint tissue, preserving as much of the natural knee structure as possible.

Some common procedures that Dr. Dewanjee can perform through knee arthroscopy include:

These interventions significantly improve knee function and alleviate pain.

Shorter recovery time

Knee arthroscopy offers a shorter recovery time than traditional open knee surgery. Since the procedure is minimally invasive and involves smaller incisions, patients typically experience less pain and swelling after surgery.

This allows you to start physical therapy and rehabilitation sooner, promoting a faster return to normal activities and sports. Many of our patients can resume light activities within a few days and gradually progress to more strenuous exercises or sports as they heal.

The reduced downtime associated with knee arthroscopy is particularly beneficial for athletes and individuals with busy lifestyles.

Don’t delay treatment for knee pain. Schedule an evaluation with Dr. Dewanjee at FXRX today by calling our office or requesting an appointment online.

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