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Femur Fracture Complications

The femur is the biggest and generally the strongest bone in the human body. Fractures take a long time to heal. Normal activities of daily living are impacted as it is the main bone used for walking and standing. Depending on the type of fracture and potential complications the impact will last a lifetime.

There are several types of fractures. Each has its own characteristics. Each fracture is dependent on the force that breaks the femur.

These types of fractures include:

Fractures are classified by:

The most common femoral shaft fractures include:

Common symptoms noted with a femoral break include:

A femoral fracture is normally found in severe accidents such as an automobile accident. Elderly people are subject to femoral breaks from falling due to weak bones. Hip fractures are also common with the elderly.

Common complications from femur fractures are related to the following:

On a special note: Compartment syndrome is caused when increased pressure inside a closed space, that compromises circulation and function of surrounding tissues. Temporary or permanent damage to muscles and nerves may result in temporary or permanent damage.

Compartment syndrome may be:

The bones have many blood vessels that help promote healing. With time, the body will regenerate and further promote healing. Practice caution to prevent a re-fracture.

A diet that contains bone-boosting foods like calcium and vitamin D helps with healing, as well as, using protective gear that can help prevent future fracture.

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