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How to Deal with Emotional Issues During Orthopedic Treatment

Feeling a bit under the weather, during times of physical impairment?Have you ever wondered if these midday blues will ever go away? You might be asking yourself, what is the problem with me? This is all normal during times of physical pain and treatment.

You just had surgery or are going to have a surgical procedure and you feel anxious. You are nervous if the surgery will be successful or if you will ever feel the same again. Will you be able to bend the same, walk normally, eliminate the pain and recover in a timely manner? You have a right to ponder these unanswered questions.

Sometimes people don’t need advice or neurofeedback or a psychological evaluation. What people need is family and friends to support them through difficulties and to listen while you vent. It is very helpful to have people you care about understand your valid concerns.

When you face physical challenges and you must undergo a surgical procedure, it can bring about an onset of feeling anxious and potential depressive states.

What can I do about my emotional issues pre and post-surgery? 

It is extremely difficult to relax, but this one is a big solution to your bouts of anxiousness. The old saying of mind over matter is powerful for the results that follow. Lay down in a serene environment and visualize something happy. When our thoughts are eased, our emotions remain calm as well.

It is also very beneficial to exercise self-care. For example, take a hot bath (if you can), listen to soothing music, watch a Netflix series, read a book, meditate, pray, call a trusted friend, and write in a journal.

It is beyond frustrating when you are physically unable to walk, exercise or take a regular shower. People internalize their aggravation and lack the coping skills to stabilize their moods and anxiety.

Part of the healing process prior to and after surgery is lovingly taking care of your mind, emotions and feelings, so you do not experience nerve-racking, uncontrollable episodes. What we think about, we bring about. We must learn to feed our mind positive words of affirmation and not negative ones, or we will become mentally exhausted.

The last resort would be to put a patient on a low dose of anti-depressant medication if they cannot learn to manage their emotions and become too stressed out. Having a surgical procedure is very stressful as well and learning to deal with the pain it brings. It is not easy to find the proper social support that is needed during fearful times. Worry takes over our once sound mind and produces negative side effects such as headaches, stomachaches, low sex drive, acne, decreased immune functioning and even suicidal thoughts.

Our biggest recommendation is to ASK for help and allow others to be there for you and let trained experts provide treatment, that will solve your issues.

FXRX employs the best medical staff to alleviate pain, but we are also here to assist in making sure you are mentally tranquil as well. If you have questions, please email us or request an appointment

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