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Rehab Exercises after Total Hip Replacement

After a total hip replacement (THR), you must do hip and leg-strengthening exercises every day. These exercises are used to increase muscle flexibility, improve hip strength, and promote healing by increasing blood flow.

Rehab Exercises after Total Hip Replacement

Exercise Program

A regular exercise program is used to strengthen weak leg and hip muscles. Your success with rehabilitation relies on your willingness to follow the exercise program developed by your physical therapist. You should perform these exercises 2-3 times each day after surgery. Each exercise must be done 10 times, starting out, and you gradually increase the repetitions by 5 times each week until you reach 20 repetitions. Your schedule will be:

Thigh Squeezes (Quadriceps)

The quadriceps muscles are located at the front aspect of the thigh. These muscles support and control the hip joint.

Buttock Squeezes (Glutes)

The gluteus muscles are located in the buttock region. These muscles support and control the hip joints.

Ankle Pumps

These exercises work the muscles of the lower leg to improve blood circulation and strength.

Heel Slides (Quads and Glutes)

These exercises engage the gluteal muscles as well as the quadriceps muscles.

Hip Abduction

Hip abduction exercises move the limb away from the body. Hip exercises can be done standing up with hands braced on the back of a chair. These exercises stabilize the pelvis and return gait (walk) to normal.

Knee Extensions

These exercises strengthen the quadriceps muscles and improve knee and hip flexibility.

Improve Balance

After you have improved strength, it’s time to work on improving balance.

Strength and Balance

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