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Treating Common Knee Injuries with PRP Therapy

Meniscus tears are the most common knee injuries. These injuries can affect either the medial or lateral meniscus. Tears may occur because of a sudden, twisting motion resulting in –

If the physical examination by the orthopedic surgeon shows a torn meniscus, an MRI can be advised for confirmation.

Initially, meniscus tears are treated conservatively with rest, ice and NSAIDs (Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs), such as ibuprofen, naproxen. It may be complemented with physical therapy for muscle strength and improved range of motion. Arthroscopic surgery may be recommended for severe cases.

However, now a highly effective, non-surgical intervention is available – PRP therapy. PRP or Platelet Rich Plasma therapy uses concentrated platelets from your own blood. With the help of ultrasound guidance, the injection is administered into the tear, allowing the tear to heal naturally. The injection is given under local anesthesia in an outpatient setting.

Other common knee injuries are –

This tear occurs as the result of a sudden stopping, sudden change in direction or hyperextension. This could be accompanied with a ‘popping’ sensation followed by deep pain, swelling, and instability.

The PCL can become inured due to a force to the anterior shin bone when the knee is flexed.

Both ACL and PCL tear can be treated with PRP therapy, stimulating the body’s natural healing mechanism.

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